Category Archives: Workshop

University and Higher Education in Germany

Donnerstag | 17.3.2022 – 18h | Thursday

Information event for Africans who seek to continue their disrupted studies in GermanyLet’s talk about: „University and Higher Education in Germany“

Get important information about the German higher education and the latest facts that concern African students who fled the war in Ukraine, as well as helpful content and exclusive tips.
Host: Sista Oloruntoyin
Speaker: Brother @Jethro Chikato – Engineer from Zimbabwe based in Hamburg, Germany – School Director and Educator providing educational services and medial help to students especially of African Descent
We give guidance and tips to those who would like to take up studies in Germany.
This includes: career guidance, choice of degree programs, applications, students jobs and meeting required conditions to study here.
We look forward to assisting you, so that you can make a difference here and on the continent.
„You’re the ones we have been waiting for“

Politisches Denken & Kritisches Bewusstsein

Rahmenprogramm der BLACK COMMUNITY Coalition for Justice & Self-Defence zum ALAFIA-AFRIKA FESTIVAL 2021

01. – 03. Oktober 2021 (bitte Corona 3G-Regeln beachten)

Politisches Denken & Kritisches Bewusstsein

Rahmenprogramm der

BLACK COMMUNITY Coalition For Justice & Self-Defence

Continue reading Politisches Denken & Kritisches Bewusstsein

COMMUNITY MATTERS – An Educational Series for Wellbeing & Critical Consciousness


An Educational Series for Wellbeing & Critical Consciousness
Thursdays, 30. September, 07. October & 14. October. 2021 | 20:00 – 22:00 h CEST
With Sister Ankwetta B. Achaleke
!!! Registration mandatory required – pls mail to: !!!
Introduction to GloBUNTU
“When you learn, teach.”
Dr. Maya Anglou
This 3-Part Webinar has been developed is for members of the Black Communities and all African and Afro-Diasporan groups and organisations. It is made up of three progressive interactive sessions. You will get the best out of it by attending all the sessions. The first two sessions are designed to prepare your mind for the final session, which is a facilitated brainstorming session intended to empower you to clearly recognise and express yourself and your needs within the community, without the fear of being judged or misunderstood.
The end goal is to assist you to become a vibrant, healthy, engaging and enabling community that sees, understands, respects and encourages the diversity of people, opinions, contributions and collaborations within the Black Communities.
Active participation €15 per Session|
All Sessions together for €35 only |
Passive participation €5 per Session |
Free for those with low income
Session 1
Thursday, 30. September 2021 | 20.00h CEST
COMMUNITY MATTERS : Session 1 Identity | Self-Worth | Purpose (Facebook-Event)
We are more effective, impactful and fulfilled in life the moment we recognise and fully embrace who we truly are, and what we are worth.”
Ankwetta B. Achaleke
In this first session, we focus on core questions such as
Who am I REALLY?
What is my SELF-WORTH? and
What is MY ROLE within the community?
To do this we shall leverage on your multi-dimensional identities paying special attention on attributes such as immigrant, second generation, African, Person of African Descent, African European, Bi-racial etc. At the end of this session you would be able to redefine and recalculate the sum total of yourself- worth and identify ways on how you can best use it to serve yourself and the community.
When you know what you are truly worth, you know how to bring yourself to the table and when you know how and where to seat at the table, your presence alone makes all the difference.
Session 2
Thursday, 7. October 2021 | 20.00h CEST
COMMUNITY MATTERS: Session 2 – The permission to heal (Facebook-Event)
As Africans and People of African Descent brandmarked as immigrants, we are all wounded souls who seek for some form of collective healing by organising ourselves in communities. The truth is that we can’t really honestly heal as a collective, until we the individuals who form these communities have consciously and proactively healed or at least given ourselves the permission to heal.”
Ankwetta B. Achaleke
With the knowledge of who you really are, the awareness of yourself worth and your purpose gained from the first session, this one will help you identify areas of your life as individuals and as a community that need personal and collective healing. The practical GloBUNTU Tools and Tips that come with this session will empower you to activate and accept your own healing, as well as help you learn how to proactively engage in and grow your healing as a collective. At the end of the session you will also be able to identify the intersections and overlapping between individual, community, historical/generational and or emotional pains that you need to let go to allow yourself to heal, unapologetically.
Session 3
Thursday, 14. October 2021 | 20.00h CEST
COMMUNITY MATTERS : Session 3 – How to balance individual and Community Needs (Facebook-Event)
“In ever self-organised community, every voice counts, irrespective of how loud or gentle it is. The moment we learn how to listen to every one of our voices with respect, especially in moments of disagreement, we become stronger and with that we have an advantage over forces outside of our community “
Ankwetta B. Achaleke
This adjourning session is a GloBUNTU Facilitated Open Session in the form of an “African Palaver” or “Legotla”. The power of an African Palaver or Legotla session lies in the fact that it is probably the oldest and most participative leadership concept in the world. It is a bottom up concept that brings members of a community together and gives them the time and space to proactively listen to each other, with the ultimate goal of coming out with answers to their own challenges and questions. The beauty of this approach is the fact that when people are have the space to develop their own solutions, they have ownership over them. With that ownership they are in position to expand, extend and grow their solutions at their own pace, whenever needed and on their own terms and conditions. In other words, this concept helps people get to know themselves and their collective wisdom and strength much better. This in turn helps them to tap into their diverse expertise, experiences and strengths to develop their own survival strategies. This process makes them active and valuable members of the community.
The mission of this session is to encourage community members to use the knowledge and tools they learned from the two previous sessions to pinpoint and share their current challenges, expectations, opinions, fears, insecurities etc. The facilitation process will assist them to come out with enabling tools and tips that they can repeatedly use to better navigate their daily live as individuals and as a community during and beyond the current pandemic.

DISMANTLING STIGMA – Parenting and Education of Black Children with Invisible Disabilities

The purpose of this session is to engage in dialogue and provide practical solutions to parents that are raising black children in the diaspora.

Lecture by Dr. Alecia Blackwood
Executive director Afrikan Kulcha School, Orlando/Florida
Expert in UBUNTU pedagogy

As Black parents of children with disabilities, we must love, nurture, and teach them from a position of love and care. We must empower ourselves and advocate for our children as they navigate the system that will try to dehumanize them because of the color of their skin.

If you are raising a child with learning disabilities, join this session as we engage in dialogue with international educator Dr. Alecia Blackwood as she shares knowledge on supporting exceptional learners and provide practical solutions to parents that are raising black children in the disapora.

Let’s break the silence and empower our children with disabilities!

Alecia Blackwood is a passionate master teacher. She has over 20 years of experience as an educator.
Dr. Alecia Blackwood is an international speaker and educator. She has been sharing her expertise with teachers at the University of Central Florida, the University of Botswana, the University of Namibia, and the University of Johannesburg through lectures and workshops.
Additionally, Alecia Blackwood is an African-Centered curriculum and instructional specialist. She has worked with private schools, public schools, and homeschool families by helping to infuse culturally relevant materials into their curricula in the USA, Africa and the Caribbean. She is one of the country’s leading expert on Ubuntu pedagogy. Ubuntu pedagogy is a humanistic approach in actively engaging students in the teaching and learning process.
Dr. Blackwood is the executive director of Afrikan Kulcha School, in Orlando, Florida. Afrikan Kulcha School is a non-profit organization that provides cultural education for students in the community. The school also has a rite of passage called the Sankofa Youth Initiative program that takes students to study abroad in Ethiopia and Ghana.
Currently, she is a professor at a local college Florida. Alecia Blackwood is a mother, raising four beautiful children that were homeschooled at different stages of development.

Pls register by mail to BLACK SAFE SPACE

FB-Event: DISMANTLING STIGMA: Parenting and Education of Black Children with Invisible Disabilities

WORKSHOP „All Youth against Police Brutality & Racism“



WORKSHOP „All Youth against Police Brutality & Racism“  (Teil I)

Sonntag, 09.05.2021 | 19 – 21 h

Die Gewalt, die immer wieder durch die Polizei Hamburg ausgeübt wird, findet innerhalb des politischen Systems von Hamburg und Deutschland statt. Durch diese Gewalt wird der systemische Rassismus mit rassistischen Polizeikontrollen von marginalisierten Schwarzen Männern (Racial Profiling) reproduziert, sowie eine militarisierte Polizeipräsenz und Überwachung hergestellt, die das Risiko erhöhen, dass erneut BIPoC rassifizierte Polizei Gewalt erfahren.


Politisch aktive junge AktivistInnen erfahren extreme Gewalt ganz besonders dann, wenn sie nicht Weiß sind. So wurden nach der #BlackLivesMatter-Demonstration am 6. Juni 2020 am Hauptbahnhof 36 Kinder und Jugendliche verhaftet, während andere Aktivist*innen durch die militarisierte Hamburger Polizei verprügelt und eingeschüchtert wurden und dadurch körperlichen Schaden nahmen. Ein Jahr später, wurden nun Asad und Musa auf dem Heimweg nach der #BlackLivesStillMatter-Kundgebung am 10. April 2021 an der Balduintreppe, von mehreren Polizisten gewaltvoll eingekesselt. Hierdurch erfuhr Musa Verletzungen, die zu einem Krankenhausaufenthalt führten. Im Sommer 2020 wurde ein 15-jähriger Junge von 8 Polizist*innen gewaltvoll eingeschüchtert und zu Boden geworfen, weil er mit einem E-Roller auf dem Bürgersteig fuhr. Oder der Altenpfleger John H., der von zivil gekleideten Polizisten vom Fahrrad gerissen und verletzt wurde, da er sich nach ihrer Ansicht durch die Ausübung seiner Pflegearbeit „verdächtig“ verhielt. Oder auch der Vorfall im Februar dieses Jahres, im Jenisch Park, wo ein Polizeiauto einen 17-jähriger Jungen rücksichtslos verfolgte, weil er seine Freunde ohne Maske umarmt hatte und dabei unter Beschädigung des Wagens mögliche Verletzungen der fußläufigen Polizist*innen und des Verfolgten fahrlässig in Kauf nahm.

Workshop – Beschreibung

Um die polizeiliche und politische Gewalt zu verstehen, wird der erste Workshop „All Youth Against Police Brutality“ mit Unterstützung von Brother Ogun Babadele eine Reflektion zur Kontinuität der Gewalttaten der Polizei in Hamburg und darüber hinaus geben, die politischen Motivationen hinter diesen „polizeilichen Maßnahmen“ betrachten, Informationen und Erfahrungswerte zur Rechtmäßigkeit und Straflosigkeit von Polizeigewalt erläutern sowie darüber aufklären, was deine Rechte sind wenn du Gewalt erfährst oder wie Du anderen Betroffenen am besten helfen kannst.


Brother Ogun Babadele ist Teil der Annwohner*inneninitiative Balduintreppe und befasst sich seit Jahren mit der Dynamik und Logik hinter polizeilichen Eingriffen gegen junge Schwarze Männer in St. Pauli Süd, die letztlich zu der Ermordung von Yaya Jabbi 2016 führten.

Schreib an für Zoom-Link zur Teilnahme und nimm an unseren gemeinsamen kritischen Nachforschungen teil!




WORKSHOP „All Youth against Police Brutality & Racism“  (Part I)

Sunday, 09.05.2021 | 19 – 21 h

The violence that is repeatedly carried out by the Hamburg police, takes place within the political system of Hamburg and Germany. Systemic racism is reproduced through these demonstrations of power. Racist police stop & frisk of marginalized Black men (Racial Profiling), as well as militarized police presence and surveillance increases the risk of BIPoC to experience repetitive racialized police violence.


Politically active young activists experience brutal and extreme violence at the hands of the police, especially if they are not white. Groups of minors were arrested after the Black Lives Matter Demonstrations on the 6th of June 2020, other activists were brutalized, intimidated, now having to face charges for the violence they had actually to endure from the hands of the police. Musa and Asad were accosted, on their way home, by multiple police officers, for speaking up during the #BlackLivesStillMatter
Demonstration on the 10th of April 2021. Resulting in injuries for which Musa had to stay in the hospital overnight. In Summer of 2020, the pointless and unnecessarily drastic measures taken against the 15-year-old boy who was, consequently, pushed to the ground and accosted by multiple police officers for driving a scooter on the sidewalk. Or the caregiver who was tackled to the ground by two police officers for “looking suspicious” (aka for being black). Or recently, the incident in Jenisch Park in February of this
year, in which a 17-year-old boy was crazily and violently chased by a police car and multiple officers, for hugging his friends without a mask.

Workshop description

The All Youth against Police Brutality workshop series are about police and political violence, reflecting on the continuity of police violence in Hamburg and beyond, looking at the political motivations behind these „police actions“, provide information and experiences on legality and impunity of police violence as well as educate on what your rights are when you experience violence or how you can best help others.


With the help of Brother Ogun Babadele, who is part of the Neighborhood-Initiative Balduintreppe we will try to understand the dynamics and the logics of police actions against young black men in St. Pauli Süd, which ultimately killed Yaya Jabbi in 2016.

Mail to for the Zoom-link and join our critical examinations!