Category Archives: Funeral

Please Help to bring Dream Walker Home & support his Family

EN – DE unten

Dear Community & Friends,

With great sadness, we share that our Brother, Dream Hyne Walker (42 years old), passed away on February 6, 2025 in Hamburg after a short but severe illness. His wish was to be buried in his homeland, Liberia. To honor this his final request, we are now supporting a GoFundMe fundraising campaign for his repatriation.

Therefore, we want to give him a dignified burial among his loved ones in Liberia.

The costs for the repatriation are high, but otherwise it would be very difficult and highly unlikely for his wife, four children, parents, and siblings to obtain visas to attend a funeral in Germany. Additionally, the flight costs for the family to travel to Germany are extremely high — one round-trip ticket per person costs an average of about €1,500, plus accommodation and other expenses.

PLEASE view and share our fundraising campaign on GoFundMe ➡️

If you can, please support this cause with a donation as well as by sharing the link of this GoFundMe-campaign.

Every little contribution makes a big difference!

Note: For more information, please visit the Facebook page of the Liberian Association Hamburg-Harburg. -> Liberian Association in Harburg Germany

We kindly ask for your support during this difficult time.

Any contribution, no matter the amount, will help!

Thank you for your support!

Sista Oloruntoyin

ARRiVATI – Community Care e.V.



Liebe Community & Freunde,

mit großer Trauer teilen wir mit, dass unser Bruder Dream Hyne Walker (42 Jahre alt) am 6. Februar 2025 in Hamburg nach kurzer, schwerer Krankheit verstorben ist. Sein Wunsch war es, in seinem Heimatland Liberia beigesetzt zu werden. Um diesen letzten Wunsch zu erfüllen, unterstützen wir eine GoFundMe-Spendenaktion für die Überführung in seine Heimat.

Die Kosten für die Überführung sind hoch, aber andererseits wäre es für seine Frau, seine vier Kinder, seine Eltern und seine Geschwister noch schwieriger und eher unwahrscheinlich, kurzfristig Visa für die Teilnahme an einer Beerdigung in Deutschland zu erhalten. Außerdem sind die Flugkosten für die Familie nach Deutschland extrem hoch – ein Hin- und Rückflugticket würde pro Person im Durchschnitt mindestens 1.500 € kosten, wobei noch zusätzliche Kosten für Unterbringung, Mobilität und Verpflegung bereitgestellt werden müssten.

Deshalb wollen wir Dream Hyne ein würdiges Begräbnis im Kreise seiner Lieben in Liberia ermöglichen.

Bitte unterstützen Sie diese Campagne mit einer Spende und teilen Sie bitte auch diesen Link.

Jeder kleine Beitrag macht einen großen Unterschied!
Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung!

Sista Oloruntoyin

ARRiVATi – Community Care e.V.

Hinweis: Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte die Seite der Facebook-Gruppe des Liberianischen Vereins Hamburg-Harburg -> Liberian Association in Harburg Germany

Case of Death – Crowdfunding for Emmanuel’s Family_EN

Dear Friends, Allies, Community, and Supporters,

We are heartbroken to share the news of Emmanuel’s unexpected death. Known also as Christopher Adma, Emmanuel was 38 and loved by all who knew him. His sudden death in Hanstedt, Germany, after a brief illness, has left a void in our hearts. Emmanuel came to Europe seeking a better future, but sadly, his Life was cut short.

Emmanuel’s death has left his family in a difficult financial situation. The costs of bringing his body from Germany to Nigeria, along with funeral and burial expenses, are substantial. We want to give Emmanuel the farewell he deserves and support his grieving mother.

Any contribution will make a significant difference and is greatly appreciated. If you can’t contribute financially, sharing this campaign with your network would be a tremendous help. We aim to raise 7000euro to cover these expenses.

Thank you for your support and may Emmanuel rest in peace.

ARRiVATi – Community Care e.V.
on behalf of the Family