Category Archives: Case of Death

Petition JUSTICE for Valérie Iyobor – Anklage erheben!

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Gerechtigkeit für Valérie Iyobor

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Rechenschaftspflicht für medizinische Fahrlässigkeit gegenüber Menschen Afrikanischer Herkunft in einem ordentlichen Gerichtsverfahren

Am 21. März 2022 starb die 7-jährige Valérie Iyobor in Uelzen, Deutschland, an einem akuten Blinddarmdurchbruch. Ein vermeidbarer Tod, verursacht durch medizinische Fahrlässigkeit im MVZ Hammersteinplatz. Valérie litt unter starken Bauchschmerzen, die klare Anzeichen einer Blinddarmentzündung waren. Statt die notwendigen medizinischen Differentialdiagnosetests wie Temperaturmessungen in Achselhöhle und rektal, Blutuntersuchung der Entzündungsparameter oder einen Ultraschall durchzuführen bzw. Valérie hierzu in ein Krankenhaus zu überweisen, empfahl die Kinderärztin ihrer Mutter lediglich, Valérie Wasser und Bananen zu geben. Am Abend desselben Tages starb Valérie qualvoll an einem Blinddarmdurchbruch – einer chirurgisch behandelbaren Erkrankung, wenn sie denn rechtzeitig erkannt worden wäre.

Dieser Fall zeigt, wie ein weit verbreiteter institutioneller Rassismus im Gesundheitswesen fatale Folgen haben kann. Die Familie von Valérie ist überzeugt, dass ihre Symptome auch aufgrund ihrer Hautfarbe nicht ernst genommen wurden – ein weiteres tragisches Beispiel dafür, dass rassistische Stereotype und Vorurteile, mit denen Schwarze Patient*innen in Deutschlands Gesundheitssystem nur allzu oft konfrontiert werden, letztlich auch tödliche Folgen haben … 

(Materialsammlung Rassismus in der Medizin:

Zu allem Überfluss hat die Staatsanwaltschaft Lüneburg das Ermittlungsverfahren gegen die verantwortliche Kinderärztin in enger Zusammenarbeit mit deren anwaltlichen Vertretung im August 2024 einfach eingestellt, sodass ihre Familie bisher ohne Aufklärung und Gerechtigkeit geblieben ist. 

In der Einstellungsverfügung konstruiert der zuständige Staatsanwalt der Kinderärztin einen strafrechtlich angeblich nicht vorwerfbaren „Diagnosefehler“. Dabei lässt er vollständig unberücksichtigt, dass es bereits an der notwendigen Sorgfalt und Umfänglichkeit bei der Befunderhebung mangelte, um überhaupt eine nachvollziehbare Differentialdiagnose stellen zu können. Dies belegt auch die auffällig mangelhafte Befunddokumentation am Tag der Behandlung, die erst nach der Mitteilung des Todes von Valérie noch nachträglich ergänzt wurde. Trotzdem fehlt in dieser Dokumentation insgesamt eine relevante – auch eine angeblich falsche – Diagnosestellung! 

Je öfter tödliche ärztliche Sorgfaltspflichtverletzungen ohne rechtsstaatliche Konsequenzen bleiben, desto mehr Patient*innen werden ihnen zwangsläufig zum Opfer fallen, wenn sie von öffentlicher Strafverfolgung strukturell geschützt werden.

Diese Petition fordert:

  1. Die Wiedereröffnung des Falls Valérie Iyobor, um die Versäumnisse im MVZ Hammersteinplatz und die medizinische Fahrlässigkeit, die zu ihrem Tod führte, vollständig gerichtlich aufzuklären.
  2. Rechenschaftspflicht für das MVZ und die verantwortliche Kinderärztin, die Valérie nicht angemessen untersucht und behandelt hat.
  3. Dringende Reformen im deutschen Gesundheitssystem, um rassistischen Stereotypen und Vorurteilen entgegenzutreten und sicherzustellen, dass alle Patient*innen gleichwertig und angemessen behandelt werden.

Wir dürfen dieses Unrecht nicht einfach so hinnehmen! 

Valérie’s Tod muss zu Verantwortlichkeit und systemischen Veränderungen im Gesundheitswesen führen! 

Bitte unterschreiben Sie diese Petition, um Aufklärung und Gerechtigkeit für Valérie Iyobor zu fordern und sicherzustellen, dass möglichst kein weiteres Kind aufgrund von medizinischer Vernachlässigung – und erst recht nicht im Zusammenhang mit rassistisch konnotierten Vorurteilen sterben muss.

Jetzt unterschreiben und Valéries Familie im Kampf für Gerechtigkeit unterstützen!



Justice for Valérie Iyobor

Please support our Petition at for proper litigation:

Accountability for medical negligence against people of African descent in due litigation procedures

On March 21, 2022, 7-year-old Valérie Iyobor died in Uelzen, Germany, of an acute ruptured appendix. An avoidable death caused by medical negligence at the MVZ Hammersteinplatz. Valérie suffered from severe abdominal pain, which were a clear sign of highly likely appendicitis. Instead of performing the necessary medical differential diagnostic tests such as temperature measurements in the armpit and rectum, blood tests for inflammatory parameters or an ultrasound, or alternatively referring Valérie to a hospital for these purposes, the pediatrician simply recommended that her mother should give water and bananas to Valérie. On the evening of the same day, Valérie died painfully from a ruptured appendix – a surgically treatable condition if it had been taken responsibly into account and thus detected in time.

This case demonstrates once again, how widespread institutional racism in the healthcare system can have fatal consequences. Valérie’s family is convinced that her symptoms were not taken seriously because of her skin color – another tragic example of how racist stereotypes and prejudices, that Black patients are all too often confronted with in Germany’s healthcare system, can ultimately cause fatal consequences … 

(Collection of materials on racism in medicine in Germany:

To make matters worse, the Lüneburg public prosecutor’s office, in close cooperation with legal representation of the responsible pediatrician, simply closed the investigation in August 2024, leaving her family without any clarification or justice.

In his order to discontinue investigation, the public prosecutor in charge fabricated a so called „diagnostic error“ for the responsible pediatrician, to which she is allegedly not criminally impeachable. In doing so, he completely ignored the fact that the necessary care and comprehensiveness in the assessment of findings was lacking any base as to establish an orderly differential diagnosis. These circumstances are furthermore demonstrated by the noticeably inadequate documentation of the findings on the day of treatment, with more notes only subsequently added to it the following day, after the notification of Valérie’s death to her. Nevertheless, this documentation is still missing any relevant – including any allegedly incorrect – diagnosis!

The more often fatal medical breaches of duty and care go unpunished, the more patients will inevitably fall victim to them if they are even structurally protected by the public prosecution offices.

This petition demands:

  1. The reopening of the Valérie Iyobor case in order to fully investigate the failures at the Hammersteinplatz MVZ and the medical negligence that led to her death.
  2. Accountability for the MVZ and the responsible pediatrician who did neither adequately examine nor treat Valérie.
  3. Urgent reforms in the German healthcare system to counter racist stereotypes and prejudices as to ensure that all patients are treated equally and appropriately.

We cannot simply accept this injustice! 

Valérie’s death must lead to accountability and systemic changes in our healthcare system!

Please sign this petition to demand clarification and justice for Valérie Iyobor and to ensure that no other child has to die as a result of medical neglect – and certainly not in connection with racially annotated prejudice.

Rest in Peace William Chedjou Noubissi

Confronting Anti-Black Violence and Racism in Germany

Black Community Coalition for Justice & Self-Defence

William Chedjou Noubissi

On July 11, 2024, we tragically and brutally lost our brother William Chedjou Noubissi — a son, husband, father of two, and friend — due to a hateful and toxic act of violence in Berlin Gesundbrunnen. The incredibly banal reason was a dispute over a parking space!

Our thoughts and deepest sympathies are with the bereaved family and friends who now carry the burden of this incomprehensible and inhuman killing. The killer, a racialized person, coldbloodedly stabbed an unarmed Black man to death out of base motives. Not only did the killer commit this heinous act, but neither he nor his family called the ambulance or assisted William by any human means — instead, they even tried to escape from the crime scene. This blatant violence strongly illustrates that in the racist hierarchy, the lives of people of African descent are often considered the lowest.

Brother Chedjou Noubissi was mercilessly killed in an unprovoked and savage attack. Despite this, there is an unsettling silence from state authorities, politicians, the media, and even anti-racist organizations. This silence actively contributes to the racist violence that is ingrained in this society. What reasons could these influential groups have to remain silent after the murder of an innocent Black man? Their silence not only allows but strengthens the ongoing systemic discrimination and violence against Black individuals, making them complicit in these injustices. Furthermore, the media’s depiction of William merely as „Der Pizzafahrer“ (The Pizza Delivery Man) rather than acknowledging him as a human being — a dedicated father who worked tirelessly and paid taxes, contributing meaningfully to our society — reveals a deep-seated contempt and dehumanization. Such disregard underscores a harsh reality within the racist hierarchy: the lives of Black people are too often undervalued.

When we talk of justice, it is not only about prison sentences for the perpetrators. True justice encompasses restorative and transformative processes that promote healing and reconciliation for the surviving families and children. It means transparency in investigations, accountability for all involved, and systemic changes that address the root causes of anti-Black racism and violence. It means creating a society where Black lives are valued and protected, and where the systems that perpetuate discrimination and violence are dismantled. It means ensuring that the families of victims receive support, that communities are empowered, and that future generations can live without fear of violence and discrimination.

Black people face severe punishment and harsh sentences for minor offenses. We must address violent crimes equally, regardless of race. Crime is crime, and perpetrators must be held accountable without impunity.

We condemn the repressive attitude of the Berlin police against the mourning of traumatized human beings and the self-organized protest of concerned Black people on the evening of the killing at Böttgerstraße in Berlin-Gesundbrunnen, which were followed by stereotypical media reports as well as social media posts and comments. Sensitivity and respect were needed instead of self-centered attitudes of domination and harassment by the police and journalists.

For us as People of African Descent, it’s troubling but not surprising that anti-Black racism, deeply ingrained in our society, is often dismissed or ignored. This form of racism is a pervasive issue across all social levels and aspects of life, yet its presence and impact are frequently denied. Additionally, anti-Black racism permeates various societal structures and is not confined to the ideology of White supremacy alone. It is a global form of discrimination rooted in historical injustices of slavery and colonialism, subsequently continuing with neo-colonial exploitation and everyday implicit biases and institutional practices.

We have to address these issues. The construct of racism has been perpetuated to this day by systemically deploying a privilege hierarchy ladder that devalues Black lives most. This entrenched system ensures that anti-Black violence remains deeply embedded in societal structures, influencing how Black individuals are perceived and consequently treated.

We call for transparency from the authorities in Berlin to enforce swift clarification and prosecution into all aspects of the case — also including the time frame for the ambulance to arrive for professional medical care.

Anti-Black violence extends beyond mere acts of physical or psychological violence against Black individuals — it encompasses systemic failures including careless denial, inadequate prosecution, insufficient litigation due to the absence of a proper categorization of anti-Black racism as a distinct crime. This cycle of impunity is starkly illustrated by cases such as Lamine Touré in 2024, Mouhamed Dramé in 2022, Valerie Iyobor also in 2022, Daniel Enoghama in 2022, Tonou Mbobda in 2019, Rita Ojunge in 2019, Christy Schwundeck in 2011, Oury Jalloh in 2005 and too many more. Even when some perpetrators were clearly identified, there has still been no adequate sentencing. The silence in the media and politics highlights a fundamental root cause and manifestation of contempt and ignorance that must be tackled and changed once and for all.

Recognition and Comprehensive Legal Protection in Germany:

We call for the recognition of historical and contemporary anti-Black violence and racism at a level equivalent to the acknowledgment of the Holocaust. This involves enacting comprehensive legal protections that explicitly target and punish anti-Black racism and violence. This includes hate crime legislation that acknowledges the specific nature of anti-Black violence, ensuring severe penalties for perpetrators. Implement systemic changes to address institutional racism. This involves reviewing and reforming practices in law enforcement, healthcare, education, and other sectors of administration to ensure they do not perpetuate racial discrimination or violence against People of African Descent. Establishment of robust support systems for victims of anti-Black racism and violence, including legal aid, counseling, and financial support. These measures should ensure that victims receive justice and that their well-being is prioritized in that course and hold individuals and institutions accountable for perpetuating racism and violence. If should also contain to ensure that those who commit acts of anti-Black violence or discrimination not only face legal consequences but that organizations involved have to implement and enforce anti-racism policies. We must hold the perpetraitors and killers accountable, including everyone who helps them cover up. Every single person in that chain of violence shall be assured of mandatory consequences with no deceptive excuses.

We also call for the swift repatriation of William’s remains to his homeland, allowing his family to grieve and honor him according to their traditions. This act of respect and dignity is the least we can do for a man who gave so much to his community. Additionally, we call for the amplification of efforts to highlight historical anti-Black crimes and the significant contributions of Black people and African countries to the development, prosperity, progress and civilization of Europe and the world in frameworks of basic and general education and media. This will be essential to counteract the widespread stereotypical biases against Black and African people effectively.

We continue to call for statistical data evaluations on the extent of anti-Black assaults and discriminatory incidents in Berlin and Germany, as well as evaluations of anti-discrimination measures to protect the rights and dignity of Black people. Rather than implementing racial profiling measures that disproportionately target Black individuals in public spaces, we call for increased safety measures and legislation to protect Black people who face violent attacks at disproportionate rates.

Furthermore, we demand that funds shall be reallocated from policing budgets to Black-led community initiatives. It is time to invest in programs that uplift and empower our communities rather than perpetuate cycles of violence and oppression.

As we channel our grief into a force for change, we will ensure that William’s death is not in vain by continuing our relentless pursuit of justice — not only in this case but for all Black lives that have been affected by similar tragedies.

We must organize and fight against impunity and the systems that perpetuate violence against us. It is time for every person of African descent to stand up and speak out for justice. In solidarity, we stand committed to the struggle for dignity and justice for William Chedjou Noubissi.

We will organize, we will not falter and we will ensure justice for every Black life, here in Germany and around the world.

We thank our communities that have swiftly and efficiently organized a crisis response and intervention to support the family, especially William’s two little children and their mother. Your efforts are a testament to our strength and unity in times of need. We call on our Black communities in Germany to continue to organize support for and show solidarity with the family of William Chedjou Noubissi in this time of mourning and grief. Nobody will take care of our issues if we are not capable of doing so ourselves in unity. Spread the word of the criminal killing, keep up honoring his memory, donate to the GoFundMe campaign, and promote others to do so as well.

Rest in peace, William.

Your community remembers you, honors you, and will tirelessly seek justice for you.

Your life mattered, and we will continue to fight to ensure the world knows and acts on this truth.

Case of Death – Crowdfunding for Emmanuel’s Family_EN

Dear Friends, Allies, Community, and Supporters,

We are heartbroken to share the news of Emmanuel’s unexpected death. Known also as Christopher Adma, Emmanuel was 38 and loved by all who knew him. His sudden death in Hanstedt, Germany, after a brief illness, has left a void in our hearts. Emmanuel came to Europe seeking a better future, but sadly, his Life was cut short.

Emmanuel’s death has left his family in a difficult financial situation. The costs of bringing his body from Germany to Nigeria, along with funeral and burial expenses, are substantial. We want to give Emmanuel the farewell he deserves and support his grieving mother.

Any contribution will make a significant difference and is greatly appreciated. If you can’t contribute financially, sharing this campaign with your network would be a tremendous help. We aim to raise 7000euro to cover these expenses.

Thank you for your support and may Emmanuel rest in peace.

ARRiVATi – Community Care e.V.
on behalf of the Family