Category Archives: english

Statement Mouhamed Lamin Dramé

Mouhamed Lamin Dramé

– tortured with tear gas and Taser then shot to death by Dortmund police

The 16-year-old Mouhamed Lamin Dramé was an unaccompanied refugee from Senegal and on August 8, 2022 in such an extraordinary crisis situation, that he threatened to harm or even kill himself. At that time, he was in an inpatient placement in a youth residential group of the St. Elisabeth Youth Welfare Service at St. Antonius Church in Dortmund Nordstadt. A short time before, he had been treated at his own request for mental problems in a psychiatric clinic and expressed his suicidal intentions both to his caregivers and to the police officers called. He understood little or no German. His mother tongues were Wolof and French.

So we ask ourselves: How and in which language did the police actually communicate to calm him down in order to prevent suicide?

Mouhamed died in a hail of bullets from a submachine gun. The horror of the taking of such a young life should be dominating national headlines, yet, much of the reaction seems to be a “debate” or justification about the use of deadly force given that Mouhamed was holding a knife.

We condemn the general media narrative which distorts the course of events as if the police officers „had“ to shoot Mouhamed as a last resort, because the use of irritant spray gas and Tasers had „failed to calm him down“.

Why did the team of responders in a suicidal crisis not include mental health professionals or why did the police officers not wait for medical professionals to take adequate care but intervened excessively violent in the first step, unprofessionally escalating an already existing crisis situation?

How can police officers seriously „try“ to „prevent“ a suicide by means of a chemical warfare agent („tear gas“) and an electric pulse weapon (Taser)?

What are the competencies of police officers who are primarily called to deal with patients in psychologically critical situations? Is so called administrative assistance a license to violently intervene or moreover a license to kill?

Every medical doctor* would be held accountable for wrongful fatal treatments of patients – police officers, however, have an unconditional license to harm and kill, sanctioned by the state authorities and politicians as well as media made public opinion, without regard to their lack of competence and expertise or any accountability. While „speculations“ about known facts are morally and legally „forbidden“, the prejudiced and immediate construction of „self-defense situations“ is a routine normality in the public media discourse of police killings and its juridical persecution.

However, the use of violence against children, adolescents and people in need of protection is always an inhuman problem and can never and under no circumstances be assumed a goal-oriented „solution“!

Countless cases of police violence, race-related aggression and extralegal killings of vulnerable people by police officers, who have insufficient training/expertise in handling psychological crisis situations, are an unfortunately all too familiar phenomenon – yet learning processes or even error culture in the authorities are nowhere to be recognized. Rather the contrary is the status quo: impunity by all means providable.

As we grieve the loss of Mouhamed, we share in the grief, pain, rage, and sorrow of the recent killings of

August 2nd – a 23 year old Black man from Somalia was executed by a shot in his head in the early morning hours by police in Frankfurt

August 3rd – 48 year old Jozef Berditchevski, a street musician of Russian nationality was killed in his flat by 2 Köln civil police officers

August 7th – a 39 year old man in an obviously psychotic state of mind was killed by the police in Recklinghausen.

We also mourn the past killings of

Kamal Ibrahim – shot dead on October 3, 2021 by Stade police – 3 shots fired

Omar K. – shot on May 28, 2021 by Hamburg police – 7 shots fired

Mohamed Idrissi – shot on June 18, 2020 by Bremen police – 2 shots fired

Aman Alizada – shot on August 17, 2019 by Stade police – 5 shots

Adel B. – shot dead on June 18, 2019 by Essen police – 1 shot (through a door)

Matiullah Jabarkhil – shot dead by Fulda police on April 13, 2018 – 12 shots fired.

This list explicitly does not mean that German police officers do not shoot or otherwise kill White people in psychological crisis situations – but it illustrates that the inappropriate and counterproductive execution of vulnerable Black and People of Colour in crisis situations by police has no legal or institutional consequences.

Not a single one of these cases resulted in criminal charges or even officer discipline. Accountability is needed to deter future use of force and build community trust

We do understand all these cases as instances of racial health inequality and race-related brutality which is deeply rooted in institutional and systemic oppression.

We understand the historical context and condemn the systemic legalization of the dehumanization of Black lives in German Laws, German Administration, Media and societal practices.


We will not allow the death of 16year old Mouhamed Lamin Dramé to be in vain.

His killing is a sober reminder of the need, once again, to fight for the value of Black life in this country where a Black child in a mental crisis can be assassinated in impunity.


The BLACK COMMUNITY COALITION Of JUSTICE & SELF-DEFENCE calls on all courageous civil society initiatives and organisations to act swiftly and thoroughly to investigate and clarify the murder of Mouhamed as to bring justice for his grieving family.

Formally we demand thorough and comprehensive procedures by the German state of law well aware of our lived experiences of legal bias and cover up in all such cases ever since.



Hamburg, 5.7.2022


Daniel († 18 months) – driver reverses and runs over child in container camp

It is with deep sadness and sincere sympathy that we inform you that Daniel, an 18-month-old Nigerian child, was run over and killed by a driver while reversing on the access road to the container accommodation on Friday morning, June 24, 2022  on the premises of the Curslacker Neuer Deich refugee accommodation in Hamburg-Bergedorf. Resuscitation attempts were not successful – the child died due to severe head injuries.

The boy’s mother was a direct witness to the accident and had tried to stop the driver by shouting loudly. The family is in shock and mourning the tragic loss of their child and little brother.


JUNETEENTH Black Community Fundraiser 2022_EN


We invite you to a 3-hour program of music, information, poetry and exchange!

Celebrating Resilience and Liberation

On 19 June 2022

from 15:00 to 18:00

at Kampnagel (Hamburg)


The programme includes:

Keynote speech, Live music, Chants, performance, Traditional drum music, Video clips, Presentations, Live music and DJ

This fundraising event is part of our overall commitment and ongoing efforts for equality and justice through advocacy, public awareness, community care, empowerment and education.

Continue reading JUNETEENTH Black Community Fundraiser 2022_EN

Justice for Johanna De Souza

EN below

GERECHTIGKEIT – Justice for Johanna De Souza

München, Bayern, Deutschland April 2022 …

Schon wieder starb eine Schwarze Schwester in einem deutschen Psychiatrie-Krankenhaus …
Schon wieder erfolgte eine Zwangsbehandlung, die tödlich endete …
Schon wieder wurden die Beschwerden der Patientin über die starken Nebenwirkungen der Zwangsmedikation nicht ernst genommen …
Schon wieder wurden die Angehörigen nicht unmittelbar über die Zwangsbehandlung, die Notfallverlegung in ein Herzzentrum und den Tod der Patientin informiert …
Schon wieder soll ein „Herzinfarkt“ für den Tod der 34-jährigen Patientin verantwortlich sein …

Continue reading Justice for Johanna De Souza

World Refugge Day 2022 – Demonstration for Equality of Treatment

On this year’s World Refugee Day on June 20, we want to show solidarity especially with African and international refugees that fled the war in Ukraine and are being discriminated against on racial, ethnical or national grounds. They are refugees of the same war, have suffered the same trauma of war and flight from war, had to leave behind their valuables and belongings, their normal lives and achievements – but are treated differently through discrimination and exclusion from temporary protection.
We want to advocate for the right to equal treatment of ALL refugees of ALL wars or due to ALL other valid reasons to flee once country of living.
Pls read the Statement of the self-organized Refugee group “Africans From Ukraine” here:

Continue reading World Refugge Day 2022 – Demonstration for Equality of Treatment

Global Pathology of Wars, Borders, Migration and Exclusions from Equality


(APRIL 25 to MAY 25, 2022)

April 25, 2022 | 19-21 h – Online-Zoom-Meeting

Meeting-Link: (Log-In with Zoom-Account obligatory!)

Keynote Speaker:  Harsha Walia (Canada)

Global Pathology of Wars, Borders, Migration and Exclusions from Equality:

Racialized violence and discrimination of refugees fleeing the European war in Ukraine on all levels and at all stages of their flight. The European Council’s choice to exclude 3rd country national refugees of the war in Ukraine was opening doors and opportunities for arbitrary administrative and executive decision making including violations of and obstructions from refuge and human rights. Black & Brown refugees/displaced are being neglected and left to the charity of civil society. The shameful neglects target also minorities like Roma/Sinti. 

Continue reading Global Pathology of Wars, Borders, Migration and Exclusions from Equality

Spendenkampagne: Justice for Valérie – Solidarity for the Family

[DE siehe unten]

Solidarity funds to support Valérie’s family

It is with deep sadness that we announce the death of Valérie Iyobor on March 21, 2022 in Uelzen, Germany. Seven-year-old Valérie had been experiencing excruciating abdominal pain and started vomiting on Sunday. She was urgently presented to a pediatrician at the Hammersteinplatz Medical Care Center in Uelzen the following day.
However, the pediatrician sent the little girl home  recommending that the worried mother give her bananas to eat and water to drink. That very same day, however, little Valérie’s pain became increasingly unbearable and her condition progressively worsened, prompting her mother to call 112 for an ambulance. She was taken to the hospital and underwent emergency interventions, but unfortunately all efforts to save her life failed. The police informed the mother that the preliminary autopsy revealed the cause of death to be a ruptured appendix.

Continue reading Spendenkampagne: Justice for Valérie – Solidarity for the Family

Justice for Valérie Iyobor

Trigger Warning!: Racism kills
It is with deep sorrow that BLACK COMMUNITY announces the death of Valérie Iyobor in Uelzen. Seven-year-old Valérie’s excruciating stomach pains were dismissed by the pediatrician of the Medical Care Center „Medizinischen Versorgungszentrum“ Hammersteinplatz for short, who sent the little girl home and told her mother to give her water and banana to eat. The pain increased and her conditioned continued to deteriorate that very same day. She was rushed to the hospital but unfortunately all efforts to save her life failed.

The police told the mother that the autopsy revealed the cause of death to be a ruptured appendix.
How come the pediatrician did not recognise appendicitis as a possible cause for the severe pain and vomiting? Why did she not examine Valerie thoroughly or order appropriate tests? Why couldn’t she make an accurate diagnosis?
We stand in solidarity with Sister Jennifer Iyobor in her demand for clarification of the circumstances leading to the death of her child Valerie. What she describes is a nonchalant attitude and negligence that people of African Descent often face in health care.

Continue reading Justice for Valérie Iyobor

Statement #AfricansFromUA on Equal Treatment


Like millions of Ukrainian citizens we were forced to flee for our lives due to the war in Ukraine since February 2022 – we are refugees of this war and had to leave behind our belongings, our houses and flats, our studies and other ways of peaceful living in Ukraine as well as our investments in and fees for our future education and perspectives – some of us were separated from friends and loved ones and some even had to witness them being killed violently …

Unlike those millions of Ukrainian citizens many of us have been discriminated against all the flight way long – we have been excluded and even forced out of public transportation, we have been picked up and set out in remote forests, we have been held back at the borders from leaving the war-torn country without shelter from freezing temperatures, some of us have been dying unprotected from the cold at night and day, we were immediately told at the EU borders to return back to our respective countries of origin without regard to given situations and without access to refugee protection measures …

The EU-Council was very fast to announce that Ukrainian citizens will be granted unequivocal protection inside EU territories including unconditional access to social and medical care, work and education under temporary protection for refugees of war. Later on the same EU-Council even went on to announce that „ALL PEOPLE, who are fleeing war will be granted protection from and access to the EU, health, education, labor and residence – regardless of their nationality, ethnicity or skin color“

Despite this actually unambiguous statement, there were immediate exclusions from exactly this unconditional protection status for refugees of war, formulated along exactly those lines of nationality, ethnicity and skin color from the very same speakers of the EU-Council for those refugees of war who do not hold Ukrainian citizenship otherwise a Ukrainian permanent residence or have spouses of one of the 2 first categories …

What we demand:

According to the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the Geneva Conventions and Protocols, the European Convention on Human Rights and other subsequent international treaties, declarations, codes and programs of action that EU countries are party in


We appeal to the German government that the unprecedented decision to grant immediate temporary protection to ALL those who call Ukraine their home is now being translated into a practice of equality.

For all of us Ukraine has been our home and the center of our lives.

All of us have invested substantial funds and efforts as to enable their studies or respective ways of life in Ukraine and all of us had to leave behind considerable belongings, properties and deposits in uncertainty of probable loss or destruction by bombing, looting or to state of emergency laws. Also from that point of view we are in no way different from other refugees of the ongoing war in Ukraine. 

How do we feel?

After walking for days on end and having to experience segregation, racism, hunger, abuse and violence at the borders as well as separation from families and loved ones, with parents and little children being affected and exposed to harsh weather conditions and the experiences of destruction of documents, financial losses, educational losses, we now face burdensome uncertainty about our future. We are afraid and have anxiety. The trauma haunts us all. Some of us have problems sleeping, some of us have flash backs or strong reactions to unexpected noises. The war has affected us all. We do not know how our future will be. We start to wonder if we should go to another country …

We do not know if we will ever be accepted here …

Should we go or should we stay …

We arrived in Germany to again face unequal treatment based on our nationality, ethnicity and skin color as compared to people of Ukrainian citizenship, who were treated warmly and differently. While the German Minister Interior stated on March 3, 2022 “Third-country nationals who have been living in Ukraine with a regular residence status are also not required to go through an asylum procedure”, the German directive on how to address our specific situation of March 4, 2022 even falls short of the EU operational guidelines to the Temporary Protection under Article 5 of the EU Council Directive 2001/55 by excluding various groups of Ukrainian residence holders from temporary protection under section 24 of the German Residence Act, who would lose their actual accomplishments and their future by “going back to ‘their’ countries”, which they have left for still unchanged true reasons.

We need temporary protection and clarity now!

We Africans and other non-European nationals from Ukraine are neither responsible for nor part of the ongoing geo-political war but equivalently afflicted. We got into the same situation of war – both NON EUROPEAN CITIZENS & UKRAINIANS alike – and we should be given the same rights and treatment because none of us planned this war and the impact and trauma affects all of us. Bombs and bullets do not discriminate amongst their victims! And thus protection should be the same for all of those who had and lost their homes in Ukraine when war broke out. Many of our friends or international student colleagues have even met the dramatic decision to rather stay back in war-torn Ukraine than to flee to EU countries that refuse to provide protection for them.

Non-Ukrainian nationals from the war in Ukraine arriving in Germany have been facing very different terms of treatment – both in different federal states and cities but also within the very same city throughout time and different facilities. While some received so called “Fictitious Certificates” for 1 year without further procedures others were pressurized to submit an asylum application with their finger prints registered and passports seized. Again others were given a so called “Duldung” including the threat of deportation.

We call for immediate and unobstructed Temporary Protection, including the Right to Study, the Right to Work and equivalent access to social benefits i.e. accommodation, finances, medical care and social welfare as Ukrainian refugees of war. Those of us that have been forced to apply for asylum due to lack of information and administrative inconsistencies should have the asylum application withdrawn and given back their passports.

We ask to be given valid and consistent information for clarity.

Germany should take an example from other EU countries that offer protection and opportunities for studies to ALL. It is basically a shame to Germany for stepping back in regard to its responsibilities.



Contact #AfricansFromUA c/o ARRiVATi – Community Care Network –


Sister Omwenga +4915216149012

Brother Enyia +4915781315784

University and Higher Education in Germany

Donnerstag | 17.3.2022 – 18h | Thursday

Information event for Africans who seek to continue their disrupted studies in GermanyLet’s talk about: „University and Higher Education in Germany“

Get important information about the German higher education and the latest facts that concern African students who fled the war in Ukraine, as well as helpful content and exclusive tips.
Host: Sista Oloruntoyin
Speaker: Brother @Jethro Chikato – Engineer from Zimbabwe based in Hamburg, Germany – School Director and Educator providing educational services and medial help to students especially of African Descent
We give guidance and tips to those who would like to take up studies in Germany.
This includes: career guidance, choice of degree programs, applications, students jobs and meeting required conditions to study here.
We look forward to assisting you, so that you can make a difference here and on the continent.
„You’re the ones we have been waiting for“